Top Air-Purifying Plants to Keep Your Kids Safe and Healthy
How Air Pollution is Harmful to Kids? How to reduce Risk?

How air pollutions are harmful to your kids? Top Air purifying plants should protect and reduce risk. Air pollution is increasing every day across the world. To improve air quality, the best air purifying factories are necessary at your home.
Brings Home Top Air-Purifying Plants:
The air inside your house is no fresher than outside. Want to clean the air you breathe at home? Bringing in these 14 air-purifying indoor plants or anti-pollution plants in India, will purify the air, add freshness and color to your home. So, without further delay, bring one among these homes now.
Aloe Vera:Any well-lighted corner or any window sill is the perfect place to keep an aloe vera plant. This plant likes a sunny spot and it can be an excellent addition to anyone’s kitchen windowsill.
While being on hand to mollify any kitchen burns, the aloe vera plant will be cleaning the air of some volatile organic carbons. An aloe vera plant will flourish in a sunny place and it doesn’t need regular watering.
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Peace Lily:
Peace lilies are one of the most beautiful plants that generally have dark green leaves and white flowers. They can light up anyone’s house. This plant can clean the air of the house by breaking down and deactivating poisonous gases in the air.
A peace lily plant contains calcium oxalate in its whole body. Calcium oxalate is a chemical compound that can cause stomach and respiratory irritation if eaten in big amounts.
So, peace lily should be kept at a safe distance from little kids and pets.
Golden Pothos:
Golden Pothos plant will thrive in a variety of environments and can raise to 8 feet long. It may be near as plants that can get imperishable, known as devil’s ivy. As it removes common pollutants, it is also considered one of the top air-purifying indoor plants.
This plant is dangerous to animals. So, pets like cats and dogs should be kept away from it. It eliminates common pollutants like toluene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide from the air.
English Ivy:
This plant will look very wonderful growing from a hanging basket or around any windowsill. English ivy plants prefer various light conditions for Different varieties. Adapting fine to indoor conditions, it is an everlasting climbing plant. It is dangerous for dogs, farm animals, and humans when any one of them eats it. It purifies the air by eliminating benzene, carbon monoxide, and trichloroethylene, some of the deadly toxins in the air.
Weeping Fig:
Weeping Fig plants are normally fussy plants that do not feel happy to change. To be a good air purifier, this plant is needed to be kept in bright, indirect light distanced from drafts.
The perfect fit for this plant is a balcony or a well-lighted corner of the drawing-room. It is a very famous indoor plant and helps to block xylene, formaldehyde, and toluene from causing air pollution.
Warneck Dracaena:
Warneck Dracaena is a slow-growing plant that often looks like a shrub, and has gorgeous white striped leaves. Recommended by NASA, this is an air purifying plant, one of the best plants for removing formaldehyde from the air. It is one of the few house plants that will do fine in low, indirect sunlight.
This plant is safe not to put this plant directly in the sun, as the rays can burn the leaves. Warneck Dracaena is considered to be somewhat toxic for pets if they eat it.
Azalea (Rhododendron simsii):
Rhododendron simsii is one of the two species of Rhododendron that can be grown indoors. Rhododendron simsii grows at heights of 500–2700 meters and it is native to East Asia.
Air purifying plants can tackle formaldehyde from sources such as plywood or foam insulation. As Rhododendron simsii do very well in cool parts around (60 to 65 degrees), it is a decent choice for improving indoor air quality if it can be provided with a bright spot.
Bamboo Palm:
For their easy elegance and altitude, bamboo palms are popular. This plant is a very good addition in dry winter months as it transpires a healthy amount of moisture into the air.
The Bamboo palms do not love direct sunlight. It is a non-poisonous plant and harmless to keep in a house with pets. It removes xylene, chloroform, and many more pollutants from the air.
Green Spider Plant:
Unique from other types of spider plants that are variegated, the green spider plant is non-variegated. It is harder to find and this rare green variation of spider plants has not been obtainable commercially since the ’70s.
This plant is greener than other spider plants as it has more chlorophyll. It is fairly effective in scrubbing indoor air by absorbing substances indoors. It is well suitable for hanging baskets but equally well fitted on a window sill or used as a perennial ground cover.
Snake Plant:
Popularly known as the Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, the snake plant is a unique plant for its nighttime oxygen making. It can purify air through the elimination of trichloroethylene, benzene, and toluene.
The best-fitting place for this plant is the bedroom and it does fine in window light. This plant needs weekly watering. It can make sufficient oxygen to breathe normally in an air-sealed room.
Indian Basil:Indian Basil known as Holy Basil is famous for its uses in Ayurvedic medicine, is native to Southeast Asia, and is also called tulsi. It has many health benefits and is also used for Hindu worship.
This plant can promote a healthy body, mind, and spirit and can be used for anxiety, tension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and several other conditions.
The holy basil plant can produce a good amount of oxygen that makes the air around it cleaner and better. It has a very strong fragrance.
Heartleaf philodendron:
Heartleaf philodendron, known as the sweetheart plant. The fewest plants that are harder to kill than to keep alive. It is a famous indoor plant as it is very easy to grow.
Popular for its heart-shaped, glossy green leaves, this plant is native to tropical America. Its leaves are naturally 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) lengthy and cover their lengthy, slender stems that can raise to 4 ft. (1.2 meters) or more.
Heartleaf Philodendron can filter toxic gases from the air and keep the air fresh.
Chinese evergreen:
This plant is native to tropical Asia and it is a very colorful and patterned plant. This plant loves high humidity and it does well in complete shade. As its name recommends, it is very famous in China precisely for its high proficiency in eliminating dangerous toxins from the air.
This plant releases high oxygen content while cleaning indoor spaces of dangerous substances like trichloroethylene, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants. It is poisonous to dogs, and best suited in the drawing-room.
Gerbera Daisy:
It is a bright, beautiful daisy-like flower and its beauty is the main reason for growing it. Gerbera daisy is native to South Africa and comes in many sizes and colors, including red, lavender, orange, and bicolored, with flower sizes somewhere between 2 to 5 inches across.
It is very helpful for those suffering from sleep apnea and breathing illnesses as it can make a good amount of oxygen at night. It can eliminate dangerous substances, like benzene and trichloroethylene from the air.
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It can be said people need more protection from air pollution nowadays. In 2019, World Health Organization (WHO) stated that air pollution is one of the biggest environmental universal threats to human health.
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